En septiembre decidimos abandonar la toalla porque el tiempo no acompañaba pero si nos hubiesen techado la playa, aún seguiríamos allí. Cinema Lliure 2012 ha sido todo un éxito y ya preparamos el sarao para el año que viene. Así, entre bolas de navidad y luces lisérgicas, y haciendo uso de nuestro derecho al voto, la lucha interna por la selección de las películas está marchando viento en popa. Además, a juzgar por el nuevo apoyo del Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) y el patrocinio de Estrella Damm, la cosa pinta aún mucho mejor. Un dato: más sesiones, mejores condiciones y más ocio gratuito al aire libre para todos. Lujo.

In September, we decide to leave the towel because the weather was not accompanying us, but if it had roofed in the beach, we would still continue there. Cinema Lliure 2012 has been a whole success and now, we already prepare the event for the next year. So, between Christmas balls and lights, and using our right to vote, the internal fight for the selection of the movies has started. In addition, judging by the new support of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) and Estrella Damm‘s sponsorship, the party looks better. An important information: more meetings, better conditions and more free leisure for all. Pleasure.

In September, we decide to leave the towel because the weather was not accompanying us, but if it had roofed in the beach, we would still continue there. Cinema Lliure 2012 has been a whole success and now, we already prepare the event for the next year. So, between Christmas balls and lights, and using our right to vote, the internal fight for the selection of the movies has started. In addition, judging by the new support of the Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) and Estrella Damm‘s sponsorship, the party looks better. An important information: more meetings, better conditions and more free leisure for all. Pleasure.

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