In development

2D Animation Film

Format: 80 min

Target: Family

In coproduction with Fotosintesis Media (Mexico)

With the support of EFICINE

Malena has dyslexia and that’s why there is Melena, her alter-ego, who lives in a magical world on the other side of the mirror. Melena turns things upside down by altering letters and numbers and getting Malena into a bit of trouble. Both girls, living together, have amazing creativity and energy. Ofelia, Malena‘s mother, has a hard time understanding her daughter. After a series of unfortunate events, Ofelia makes a final decision: to take her daughter to therapy, which means separating her forever from Melena. This is a story about how important it is to support children in their way of seeing life and to build a loving and healthy family relationship through empathy, respect and dialogue.