Sí. Hay de eso en la segunda temporada del Dr. W. Una mujer, armada de ollas y disparatadas ideas, protege a Woody Bonepecker de cualquier ataque paranormal. Se hace llamar Conspi, un nombre que resume sus más profundas inquietudes y despierta la búsqueda permanente de algún indicio sospechoso. Alguien quiere dominar la mente del Dr.W y ella está aquí para impedirlo.

Yes. It’s in the second season of Dr.W. A woman, armed with pots and crazy ideas, protects Woody Bonepecker from any paranormal attack. She is Conspi, a name that sums up her deepest concerns and awakens her ongoing search of any suspicious indication. Someone wants to dominate the mind of Dr.W and she is here to stop it.

Yes. It’s in the second season of Dr.W. A woman, armed with pots and crazy ideas, protects Woody Bonepecker from any paranormal attack. She is Conspi, a name that sums up her deepest concerns and awakens her ongoing search of any suspicious indication. Someone wants to dominate the mind of Dr.W and she is here to stop it.

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